Paths of Love

Intensive Workshop

A journey from Mind to Heart

The Caminho do Amor is a group experience where it is possible to connect with the source that generates life. A path where friendship, trust and commitment develop, in a much deeper dimension than we usually know.

The workshop brings us the experience of a new reality, a new perspective of living, leaving aside the discriminations and abstractions of the intellect, which prevent us from being natural and spontaneous, from feeling and living the reality of our own originality, guided by voice of intuition.

Our invitation is for you to come to know your inner home, the field where your soul and your heart flourishes.

Next Classes
Weekly by appointment
O Caminho do Amor
18 / out
O Caminho do Amor O Caminho do Amor
Itapeva / Serra da Mantiqueira
25 / out
O Caminho do Amor O Caminho do Amor
Itapeva / Serra da Mantiqueira
13 / ten

A Experiência

In the Way of Love, experience is the main point. You must become a scientist from within. It is not your intellect that will be asked for, but the totality of your being, in its fullness. To understand existence, you will need a mutation, you will have to experiment, experience.

During the workshop, we worked on the discharge of repressed emotions based on the careful manipulation of vibrational states. This process interferes with emotions and behavior, and directly affects affective and social relationships. As a result, it is possible to cure phobias, obsessions, anxieties, fears and other difficulties that affect human welfare relationships.

You will have the opportunity to connect with your sacred aspect: clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, psychic projections, energetic relationships at various levels, how to mobilize Kundalini energy from the first chakra (Muladhara) to the seventh (Saashara), reaching the transcendent use of the senses. You will experience meditations that aim to open and expand your heart, love, confidence and self-esteem.

Love is alchemical. If you love yourself, your ugly part will disappear, be absorbed, be transformed. The energy is released that way. All things that are called sin simply disappear. Love yourself. This should be the fundamental commandment. Love yourself. Everything else will follow, but that is the foundation.


The Dynamics

“This is the type of work that everyone should try at least once in their life. Something like 'The 5 places you must know before you die', especially as it takes you to your own inner places that for a thousand reasons we often don't venture to explore. The lovingness and dedication of the group makes you feel loved and protected, although the work itself takes you to unknown territories. Highly recommended, for the seriousness, affection and care with which it is conducted by the entire team. Congratulations and thank you! ”

Paula A. - Psychologist, 38 years old

The tantric meditations we apply are chosen according to the needs of the participants. When the person signs up to participate, he / she receives an online form (confidential) where he / she will describe the aspects he / she wants or needs to solve in order to transcend a new life condition.

Many people present themselves with special needs such as depression, anxiety, relationship difficulties, loneliness, panic syndromes (moderate), emotional, affective or chemical dependence (drugs and medication), among others. Our groups help people achieve their physical, mental and emotional balance.

The fact that we remain full time, fully immersed in the work for the entire weekend, provides greater integration between the participants and a great deepening of the work.

Participation is free for anyone.

Frequently asked questions

Can I join this group alone?

Yes, there is no problem. Both singles, boyfriends or couples can participate in this work. You will meet many other people who are in tune with the development proposal of Comunna Metamorfose.

In the group The Way of Love we learn to breathe together, to accept, to understand our limits and to deal with the limits of others. We learn to look, to see beyond the symbolic and apparent meanings. We learn to use the senses more consciously; touch, smell, taste, vision and hearing are amplified, bringing significant results in the way of living.

There is no sex in this job, there is no confrontation. At no time will you be faced with going beyond your limits. We don't hurt people, there are no offenses at work. It is not a work focused on resistance, on testing the limits of the mind or body, we do not deal with challenges or disputes. It is a work focused on Love, respect and mutual understanding. The Way of Love it is a work of spiritual openness.

Are there sexual practices in the workshop?

We do not recommend that people with sexual interests participate in this work. In the Tantric Vision of the Way of Love, the idea of ​​sex destroys the possibility of the person freeing himself from his conditioning and the old paradigms, finding his refuge of peace, knowing aspects of his spiritual, divine, sacred nature.

When there is a sexual intention, the person has to support the role playing - the male / male, the female / female, the seducer / seducer. These papers consume a lot of energy and rarely meet the human needs.

Sexual desire and memory condition behavior, distorting perception and affecting the understanding of things, shaping behavior that does not meet the needs of the heart and soul. Sex is appropriative, it means that someone will own and someone will be owned.

Our proposal is that the participants get rid of these roles and become available for a greater perception, that love and solitude do not depend on any circumstances, they are available for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, in a liberating spiritual attunement and eternal. We ask group participants to save their energy, not to waste it on sex during work.

It is much more important that they connect with the experience of superconsciousness and pave the way to change the paradigms of the body in a healthier and more appropriate way.

Are there any contraindications for this job?

No. But there are limitations to bodywork. If you suffer from problems like high blood pressure or heart limitations, your pace may not be as intense. Stay at the proper limit, without putting too much strain on your breath and body.

We recommend to everyone, in any circumstance, that “do not rush the river”. Go at your pace, step by step.

Do I need to bring a partner?

No, this is not a workshop for couples or to deal with issues of sexuality in a practical way. In the Way of Love, we do the exercise of presence and fullness by turning inward, to the core of Being. In this scenario, the other is just a mirror that reflects our inner truth - and this is where we begin our personal investigation.

If you want to learn and practice full sexuality, we recommend the workshop Delerium for couples.

Learn more

The Body, the beginning of everything

Tantric Therapy of the Path of Love begins with the body, the basis for any transformation, since any growth depends on how we relate to our body.

  • How do you relate to your body?
  • You have truly affection and attention
    with your own body?
  • Do you recognize it as the temple of your soul?
  • Do you revere him?
  • Do you feel your divinity?

Through special breathing techniques and other meditative practices, we work with:

  • The body - contact with the body itself, reverence for it, sensuality, pleasure, sensitivity;
  • The senses - the use of the senses as a door for transformation;
  • The other - the relationship with the other, the expression of affections and words, protective walls, fears, conditioning;
  • Life - judgments and acceptance, guilt and innocence, control and spontaneity.

Emotional dependence in relationships

In our childlike state of mind, we live for others. The other has a power over our well-being. Our focus is always on receiving approval, recognition, attention, love and respect from the other - we feed on that and, paradoxically, we remain hungry.

We are experiencing a continuous struggle to receive what we lack. We use different strategies, trying to adapt to each other, making concessions. Most of the time, we stop being sincere, true, spontaneous, natural. With all the price we pay, the thing does not work: the other does not fulfill our dream. So, we feel victims, we blame the other, we try to modify the other. And we get frustrated.

The Caminho do Amor is a work of sharpening relationships, looking at the way we relate to each other so far, what roles we play in our relationships, what spaces we steal and what spaces we ask of others, our bonds of affection, our masks.

The Acceptance Process

Through the workshops, we invest ourselves with an absolutely affirmative attitude, we do not deny anything. We do not escape any duality or ambiguity. There is no good or bad, right or wrong, ugly or beautiful, superior or inferior. First of all, you have to accept yourself as you are, whatever you are. You must use all your energies, accept them, know them, recognize them, unravel this mystery of multidimensional energies and discover how you can use them creatively.

"The Alchemy of Love says not to fight, not to react, not to oppose; be friendly with all the energies that are given to you. Welcome them. Feel grateful. Everything you have lived or gone through so far is that will allow you to take a great leap in love and awareness. Feel grateful, because these are the hidden sources. Don't say that this or that was bad or negative.

With a vision focused on Love, you will understand that the great mystery has led you in all moments of your life, supporting your development towards a great awakening where a state of love is capable of working great miracles in your life. Everything changes, all the time. Your life can also change. "

Must Nishok

Experiments in groups

Explorations in the works include:

  • Opening of the Heart;
  • Synchronicity movements;
  • Corporal conscience;
  • Meditation on Love;
  • Works with the Chakras;
  • Relationships and Freedom;
  • Inhibition and disinhibition;
  • The Breath of Love;
  • Energy Expansion;
  • Understanding about the layers of the mind and its tricks: Fears, Physical Senses, Repressions, Conditioning, Rationalizations, Feelings and Emotions, Belief Systems, Corrupted Intuition, Sensitivity and Susceptibility, Memories and Desires;
  • Identification and perception of beliefs and concepts and how they influence your life;
  • Elaboration and perception of self-image;
  • Acceptance;
  • Give and receive;
  • Forgiveness of yourself and the other;
  • Female acceptance;
  • Male acceptance;
  • The sacred body;
  • Awakening the Kundalini energy;
  • Breathing for energetic alignment;
  • The pleasure of living;
  • Realignment and Centering;
  • Trust Development;
  • Connection with Universal Love - The door to Healing;
  • Deep relaxation in Love and Acceptance;
  • Expansion x Control / Relaxation + Delivery.

Some testimonials ...

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