A.'s statement about Tantric massage

I looked for tantric therapy at first, trying to treat my low libido and problems with my erection. I wanted something serious and professional, so I found the metamorphosis network website and got in touch with some therapists. So, I met Henrique, who at the time was the most attentive and answered all my doubts, making me the best impression and giving me confidence for a first session. At first it was a little difficult for me, it was all very new and I had to get rid of many preconceptions and learn to surrender to the proposal of tantric therapy, but at each session Henrique was gaining my confidence and today, after having gone through more than 10 sessions with him, I am fully convinced that it was a wise decision to start tantric therapy with him. There were many learnings and transformations that went beyond my initial complaints. The therapy conducted by Henrique was made for me to look inside myself and stop to reflect on all aspects of my life. I thank him for being part of a very important process of transformation in my life. To everyone who is interested in getting to know tantric therapy, I would like to say that they try to read and get to know it better, and look for serious and qualified professionals. And to those who want my indication, look for Henrique, because I know he is an attentive and capable professional. When I went through my last session, I left with a very good feeling of confidence that all my old internal issues would find their way. And it has been that way ever since. More and more I invest in self-knowledge and feel that it is a path with no return, towards my inner peace and personal growth. I end my statement by expressing my deep gratitude to Henrique and the Metamorfose network website.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Deva Abhik (Henry)

Graduated in Psychology and Postgraduate in Religious Sciences. Tantric Body Therapist working with sensory development, full sexuality, integrated breathing therapies.Certified in all modalities of the Deva Nishok Method of Tantric Therapy: Sensitive Massage, Total Ecstasy Massage, Yoni and G-Spot Massage (women) [... ] View full profile