AAC statement about Tantric massage

(...) I cannot say how many orgasms I had, because in the first one I was already transported to another world, it was incredible! I had orgasm only once in my life, and in that session I had several at once. (...)
Before the session I was feeling terrible, after two exhausting marriages where I was blamed for not being a real woman, for not having libido. I tried to relate again, but it didn't work. There was not enough lubrication, so I believed the problem was with me, I felt myself at the bottom of the trash can. In addition to the shame I felt about my body, I started to blame myself. It was then that I started to search on these topics and found tantric massage. I was very interested in this work and at the same time withdrawn because of the taboos that society imposes on us. I was afraid, I thought about doing the session with a woman, but I wanted a man. What would it be like to be completely naked in front of a stranger, what would he think of my body, and if he took advantage of the situation? Through the Metamorphosis Network I got in touch with Ângelo, he gave me confidence from the first moment, explained everything so well, I realized that he had total mastery over tantric therapy. I scheduled my session with him, I arrived still very insecure, but during the conversation I realized the sensitivity that Angelo has, as he knows what we women went through, he understood me and said things that really make perfect sense. She explained step by step everything that was going to happen, I felt totally safe. We started the session, I never felt anything like it in my life. Soft touches, I didn't know my body could feel it. We moved on to the next stage, and I can't say how many orgasms I had, because in the first one I was already transported to another world, it was incredible! I had orgasm only once in my life, and in that session I had several at once. All the while Ângelo was very professional and respectful, he really knows what he is doing and happening to our body. After the session I felt like another woman, my self-esteem improved, I started to have libido and I'm starting to touch myself, something I had never done before. I am very grateful to Ângelo, who even after the session, was willing to listen to me. I believe that tantric therapy is something that all women should know. I recommend Ângelo Devamito to everyone who still feels insecure, he gives confidence and respect from the first contact. I hope to see you many times.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Angelo (Devamito)

Certified Tantric Therapist specializing in sexual dysfunction. Instructor of Tantric Massage Courses for individuals and couples. I use the techniques in Tantric Massage to reeducate sexuality, develop the sensory and multi-orgasmic potential of the body, treat traumas and sexual dysfunctions and provide states [...] View full profile