AF statement about Tantric Massage Courses

Extraordinary therapist, with a vibrant and fantastic energy. Her experiences as a Reiki therapist and as a psychoanalyst greatly help in the session. I felt very refreshed, with a super high spirits. Not to mention the fairy hands she has. She has personal touches in her conduct of the session that make it a unique moment.
I recommend it to everyone.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Ellen Faria

Ellen Faria, Holistic Psychotherapist and founder of Centro Terapêutico FarGuim, began her journey in the area of ​​mental health and well-being with training in Neuropsychopedagogy. Over the years, she dedicated herself to the constant search for knowledge, obtaining specializations in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Clinical Hypnosis, Reiki and [...] View full profile