Aderaldo's statement about Tantric Massage Courses

Participation in the course was casual, as I was invited by my partner, who provided the registration, and I ended up becoming aware of what the course would be about very close to the event. I consider the exposure to which I spontaneously submitted myself an act of courage, because since I was in the rain I decided to let myself get wet, the dynamics were revealing that the sexual act transcends the penis and overcomes the dictatorship of the "hard cock" and the man manly. Two days later I felt and I still feel today that I am an integral being and with much more knowledge about me.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Victor Shiv

Hello! I am an Orgasmic Therapist, Sexual (Re)Educator and Somatic Sexologist (Sexological Bodyworker Level 2), Thetahealer, Reikian, Rebirther, Course Instructor and Speaker. Serving women, men and couples (trisuals, monogamous or non-monogamous couples), of all situations and sexual orientations (cis, trans, LGBTQIA+). It is important to note that [...] View full profile