Alexandre's statement about Tantric massage

The service, from the beginning, is done with great care and affection. We are provided with a questionnaire, with important questions and are served in a pleasant environment, with good music and delicious aromas. All with great hygiene and respect.
The professional is attentive, has deep knowledge about the techniques she applies and is very sincere, in addition to being a beautiful person.
I recommend it to people looking for a better understanding of the body and mind.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Deva Daulatya

Deva Daulatya (Divine Precious Health) Tantric Therapist formed by the Deva Nishok method * Sensitive Tantric Massage * Orgasm Therapy * Individual course or couples * Sexual development * Lingam P-Spot Massage * Yoni G-Spot Massage * Active and vibrational meditation View full profile