Aline's statement about Tantric massage

I was looking for me who was gone. I didn't even know it was gone. In a conventional therapy session, I asked the therapist what tantric therapy was, he said I needed to find out. I went after it, read several things, got excited, got scared. A year later I took courage. I called to make an appointment, answered a man and asked if I would prefer a man or a woman. I don't know why I said woman. I think I thought it was like going to the doctor. I arrived like a little bird in fear. Débora received me in a sweet voice, so calm. He explained everything, explained what would be good in my case. I adapted to my reality. I disconnected from myself, without desires. Without wanting to relate to anyone. There were 3 sessions. I screamed! I howled! Cry!! I had visions! I calmed down and plunged into that love My God! I woke up, I left each session in love with me !!! I looked at myself in the mirror and said I love you Aline! It was liberating !!!


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Deborah Abrunhosa (Prem Bram Bhara)

Tantric and Vibrational Body Therapist, Instructor of Individual Tantric and Renaissance Massage Courses, trained and accredited by the Metamorphosis Center. In tantric massage uses all the modalities of the Deva Nishok Method (Sensitive Massage, Total Ecstasy Massage, Yoni Massage, Lingam Massage, G-Spot and P-Spot Massage) [...] View full profile