Depoimento de Aline Paes sobre Tantric massage

I had the opportunity to experience a unique moment of uplifting spirit, balance between body and mind. Awakening sensitivities throughout the body through soft touches, without counting on all the confidence that the professional transmits before and during the procedures, leaving the person very comfortable, as if undressing in front of a stranger was the most natural thing in the world, we leave all the material part and our differences outside the space where everything happens. So the moment that awakens the desire to allow yourself to experience something new, different, outside the standards, we break the "taboos" implemented by society in general, where it is taxed that you only have pleasure with penetration or that sex and only to procreate, where in fact our whole body is orgasmic, just ponder and self-know. So I highly recommend this experience, even for those who have already had orgasm in life, this experience is extraordinary ... Allow yourself ...

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Meet the instructor for this activity:

Gajanam Gambheera (Cleber)

Please read carefully until the end. The links highlighted in blue contain the information you need to know before scheduling your appointment. I'm sure that at this moment, you must be full of doubts about how the Tantric therapy service works, no. and truth? ( location [...] View full profile