Testimony from Ana P. Gonçalves about Tantric massage

Well, trying to find words to describe what was the experience with massage and the course that was very carefully and sensitively done by Pagal.
Massage was the most intense experience I have ever had with my body. I felt whole, alive and felt all the pleasure that my body could give me. Incredible energy!
I was able to rediscover myself, identify the chakra I still have blocks in and since then it has had a big impact on my daily changes.
I am very grateful for the opportunity and for the universe to have put on the path a being as sensitive and incredible as Pagal.
Tantra certainly changed my life and has come to stay. I am more and more in love with philosophy.

Ana P. Gonçalves

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Leonardo Pagal

Vibrational Tantric Therapist. Facilitator of Active Meditation Encounters. Instructor of Individual Tantric Massage Courses and wokshop CAMINHO DO AMOR. Qualified in some schools worldwide and by Metamorphosis, the best known in Brazil, Deva Nishok Method of Tantric Massage, uses the method for [. ..] View full profile