Testimony from André Lacreta Aly about Tantric massage

Hyana opened up my field of sensitivity, my connection with God, redefined my relationship with my skin, made me sacralize my body again. I went to not thinking, not to time and space. I learned from her to honor and care for the feminine, to connect with the male ancestry aligned, firm and sweet. My heart burst into tears in the 10 individual sessions and the 4 double sessions. I got in touch with the boy who lives in me. I made up with him. Huge gratitude for meeting Hyana, a therapist of the sacred human.

André Lacreta Aly

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Hyanna (Edna Pereira)

A few good years of Tantra, and since my beginning there, I've always had a therapeutic view of Philosophy (Actually, I believed it after 4 years of the beginning of everything). At the beginning, I was afraid of what people would think of me if they knew [...] View full profile