C.'s statement about Tantric Massage Courses

I participated in the individual course with my wife and it was a watershed in our relationship the moment we were, both my wife and I left there renewed and with our relationship even more solid. The course is a separate masterpiece in which Tina talks a lot with the couple before starting the massage which makes the experience more wonderful and beautiful. I confess that I went without knowing what to expect from the course, with some uncertainties, I think that this also made the whole experience unique. I highly recommend her work, a serious professional, who speaks properly in what she says and transmits knowledge in the best possible way. Too grateful for your work Tina!


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Agni Maharani (Tina)

Body Therapist, uses the tantric massages and meditations of the Deva Nishok Method to provide altered states of perception and consciousness. It acts in the process of self-knowledge, healing of emotional blocks and traumas, sexual dysfunctions, in addition to expanding and intensifying the orgasmic sensation. Serves men and women [...] View full profile