CA statement on Tantric massage

Tantric massage helped me in the process of self-knowledge, revealing and releasing feelings that “block” the flow of energy, such as fear, insecurity and low self-esteem. I actually felt a sense of empowerment, freedom, self-confidence and courage, bringing with it personal satisfaction and optimism. And for all this and much more, I believe, it proves to be very efficient in the treatment for depression and anxiety. The flow of vital energy, which was previously stagnant, improves the quality of life and provides an increase in perception and creativity. Trust in the therapist is extremely important, as it is a moment of total surrender. I recommend the work of the therapist Gajanam, for his professionalism, commitment, empathy, patience and generosity.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Gajanam Gambheera (Cleber)

Please read carefully until the end. The links highlighted in blue contain the information you need to know before scheduling your appointment. I'm sure that at this moment, you must be full of doubts about how the Tantric therapy service works, no. and truth? ( location [...] View full profile