Carla Begnini's statement about Tantric massage

A surreal experience. Supernatural. Everything that until then I understood and knew about my pleasure was reframed by this EXTRAORDINARY professional, who through his hands and touch, literally exposed the limits of my body. Nothing will be the same. It can't be anymore. After this experience, the world has to have another touch, another color, another taste. Gratitude for you Elderth. For your professionalism and the love you use in this knowledge process that makes us break barriers and want more. 🌷

Carla Begnini

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Elderth Theza (Dhyan Farzan)

Tantra brings the opportunity to reestablish a new connection of being by merging the sensory field of the body with the more subtle aspects that involve spirituality. It thus offers an integration of all the areas that structure the being, of the densest levels [...] View full profile