Testimony from Carlos E. da S. Machado about Tantric massage

(...) I was in therapy for several years and the notion of myself has never been more impactful and enlightening to me. (...)
What about hj; it was a moment of so many emotions perceived in a fraction of seconds and minutes. At first, I felt some discomfort and shame, but then I let myself go and in the face of the process I felt very sorry for myself and the forced things I had witnessed and allowed in my childhood. The desire to cry came but I couldn't let it happen, but I had a feeling of well being, feeling good and the certainty that that moment of care was mine and that I had this right. To be happy is to feel connected to the present moment; I felt like that I would even risk a "depletion" of what I am capable of. For the first time I felt the subject of my emotions and my choices because I had chosen to be there for me, just for me. Master, I think that's what happened. Everything is so new to me this discovery of myself. I was in therapy for several years and the notion of myself has never been more impactful and enlightening to me. I think this is it. It is gratitude for being part of this process. Gratitude

Carlos E. da S. Machado

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Gajanam Gambheera (Cleber)

Please read carefully until the end. The links highlighted in blue contain the information you need to know before scheduling your appointment. I'm sure that at this moment, you must be full of doubts about how the Tantric therapy service works, no. and truth? ( location [...] View full profile