Celia Silva's statement about Tantric massage

My experience: I arrived shy and embarrassed and discriminating against myself. But soon Alex called me, very kind and friendly, letting me know everything that I would possibly experience if I allowed myself to.

It was a unique sensation, perfect music, the therapist's movements took me to another dimension, I allowed myself ... I felt chills, uncontrolled laughter, an explosion of pleasure, I surrendered to the moment without constraints. It was wonderful! I intend to continue this experience ... thanks Alex Garjan.

Celia Silva

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Alex Garjan

Tantric Therapist graduated from Instituto Comunna Metamorfose and certified in all modalities of the Deva Nishok Method of Tantric Therapy (Sensitive Massage, Total Ecstasy Massage, Yoni and Lingam Massage, G-Spot and P-Spot Massage). He participated in the Flowing Program and lived at Comunna Metamorfose for 6 months [...] View full profile