Cesar's statement about Tantric massage

When little is known about the universe of Tantrism, there is a risk of falling into the wrong hands and distorting a process that can be transformative. In the first contact I had with Sara Surmani (Bia), it was immediately clear that I was facing a very well prepared and welcoming professional, with a serious proposal and a posture that inspired me to trust and made me start the session with body. and soul open. I opted for Sensitive and Lingam massages, and I had, during and after the sessions, incredible sensory experiences that activated every part of my body and took pleasure to an indescribable level. Despite having orgasm (s) in a very intense and pleasurable way with the massages, we soon learned that this is not the focus. The gains come from the process itself, through which we begin to deal with our sexual energy in a more free and balanced way, integrating body and mind. Sexuality moves to another level. None of this would be possible without the competent, humane and sensitive guidance of Sara Surmani (Bia).
I leave here my gratitude, recognition and admiration for your distinguished work as a therapist.

Caesar Salad

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Sada Surmani (Bia)

It works with the application of diversified techniques, stimulates the attainment of new states of perception and awareness, using bioenergy and breathing to work on body awareness. She has a degree in Pedagogy. Studying Post Graduation in [...] View full profile