Cleide Santos' statement about Tantric massage

Tantric therapy is for everyone who wants to experience more pleasure in life in an integral way, freeing themselves from bonds that are often not even aware of their weight but that are there, preventing us from living fully. It was in this quest that I came into contact with Devamito and from the first telephone conversation, he gave me confidence and professionalism, took many doubts, leaving me safe to schedule my first session. Arriving at the place, he made me feel comfortable and listened carefully to all my pains, he explained step by step. step as the work would be. And it was very beautiful: I got in touch with myself, I created good body memories, my body had never felt such a special touch that way. It was so good that I left the second session scheduled, and this second time the the experience was deeper, even more transformative ... I will continue with this wonderfully therapeutic work, I want to see even more what places I can reach on this path that only I can pass, but with the guidance of someone who knows how to lead me down this road with much respect and love for what he does, as he has done with me. Gratitude!

Cleide Santos

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Angelo (Devamito)

Certified Tantric Therapist specializing in sexual dysfunction. Instructor of Tantric Massage Courses for individuals and couples. I use the techniques in Tantric Massage to reeducate sexuality, develop the sensory and multi-orgasmic potential of the body, treat traumas and sexual dysfunctions and provide states [...] View full profile