Dalva's statement about Tantric massage

Not long ago, tantric massage was an illustrious unknown to me and me to her. And if it weren't for me in search of self-discovery and self-care, at this moment in my existence, maybe I would turn my nose at this indescribable experience, due to pure ignorance and ignorance of something really transformative. Fortunately, I accepted the challenge of allowing myself to be introduced to this Universe of possibilities and being able to deconstruct concepts, prejudices, taboos, socio-cultural models based on limiting beliefs that only imprison and unhappiness us. I can say that it was liberating and extremely pleasurable. There is no place for embarrassment or discomfort. A unique, incomparable energy takes over your being and you recognize it as legitimate and natural. A conscious and loving delivery. Making this bridge, the essential welcome, care and serene, skillful, reliable and safe driving of Nishanto is remarkable! I still feel the reflection, the unfolding of all the experienced sensations vibrating, resonating in me in a very sensitive, present, conscious way. I can only recommend and thank you!


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Deepak Nishanto

Baiano de Salvador, father of three boys and the light that drives away the darkness. Nice to meet you, I'm Deepak Nishanto. I was born Marcel Suzart, but I was reborn in Tantra with that name and a certainty: love CHANGES everything. Gathering people, collecting experiences and information, exchanging experiences. Tantra changed my [...] View full profile