Danni Cardillo's statement about Tantric massage

Two days passed after my tantric experience with Gustavo, my heart rested for a few hours after reaching veryooooo more than satisfactory levels, I reiterate that I am a lover of tantra and I went through different cultures trying to maximize my expectations about the therapy, how good it is and wonderful to rebalance all the orgasmic and active powers of my body, I define excellence by reaching the G Spot orgasm for the first time.
Gratitude for the delivery in this process conducted with such wisdom and professionalism.

Danni Cardillo

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Dhyan Dharmen (Gustavo)

Tantric Therapist and Instructor of Individual Tantric Massage Courses. Certified in all modalities of the Deva Nishok method, with training in Rebirthing (Rebirthing) and Integrated Breathing Therapies by Sadhana Comunna Metamorfose. Acts with individual or group assistance through vibrational techniques, Tantric Therapy, Sensitive [...] View full profile