EF's statement about Tantric massage

I have never felt so free, expansive and small at the same time !! And with such intense body energy. The expansion I felt in my body and consciousness was like navigating a river that at one point flooded everything that was around me and in that instant I realized that I disconnected from the place I was.
In another moment I noticed intrusive thoughts of concerns about the routine, then resisted and expelled them.
The climax was the pleasure I felt continuously, in the other sessions there were peaks that came and went. And in that last session I was waiting for this “peak”, but, I realized that it was already there and at that moment I felt my body rise by the force of pleasure that ran through it as a whole !!!
Rogerio, the subtle touch on my body, from the feet to the hair, is without a doubt the best way to connect with myself.
My Rio, Rogério, overflowed and you, with your therapeutic and loving sensitivity, restrained it when you covered me with the sheet, this way it gradually returned to its course, reaching my eyes, fell into continuous tears as the pleasure I felt


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Rogerio PremDaso

The first point that Tantra suggests is to be loving with your body, to be friendly with it, reverent to it, respect it, take care of it; he is a gift from nature. Treat it well, and it will reveal great mysteries. Every growth depends on how much you are [...] View full profile