EPL statement about Tantric massage

I had a very good experience with tantric massage, something that has no explanation for being so pleasurable, it seems to be in another life, I felt light ... the touches are really cool and wonderful, the body relaxes, we feel smooth .. I recommend this work that the therapist does for anyone who wants to be renewed and feel this pleasure, really cool !!!

EPL SrL - European Panasian Logistics "Dynamic Forwarding"

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Joice Thirak

*Tantric Massage*Couples Therapy*Massage Courses for Couples or Couples*Tantric Sexual Education*Breathing (Rebirth Therapy)*Active Osho Meditations*Mental Health Trainings FOR PEOPLE WITH *Depression *Anxiety *Sexual Dysfunctions *Victims of Abuse * Conflicts in Relationships * Addictions * Low Self-Esteem * Discouragement * Blocks * Hurts and Resentments. BENEFIT: Sexuality [...] View full profile