Depoimento de F.P.M. sobre Tantric massage

Undoubtedly an incredible experience, the tantric massage brought me a development that went far beyond what I expected. I reached levels of body awareness and expansion of consciousness that I would never have imagined possible. Therapist Kaká is very professional, first of all she works with anamnesis, taking all the doubts and prejudice that she has about tantra and making her understand what it is, as well as each chakra.
I definitely recommend getting to know this therapy, as well as Kaka.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Kaka Solomon

MAN FAILS, SO WHAT? 🐍 Swing house, Swing? Couples Have Sex, Yes! When to schedule Urgent Sex Therapy? Specializing in Treatment for Anxiety, Low Self-Esteem, Sexual Dysfunctions and Stress Relief TANTRIC MASSAGE: -The proposal of therapeutic care (understanding your need), followed by MASSAGE [...] View full profile