Felippe's statement about Tantric massage

Deva is extremely sweet and kind. His professionalism is evident from the first distance contact to the service itself. I perceive a deep respect for the energy and spirituality of others with care and attention. He is always willing to help and find the best way to make you feel at ease. It is truly a transformative experience that opens us to expanded understandings of kundalini as a vector of creativity and healing. I highly recommend Deva Karan's generous, professional and respectful work.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Deva karam

Physiotherapist, Acupuncturist, Reikian and LIBRAS Interpreter. Trained in tantric therapy Deva Nishok method. Uses tantric therapy to provide the expansion of sexual energy throughout the body through Sensitive Massage, Lingam / Yoni Massage and G-spot / P-spot and thus provide a new perception of the senses and [ ...] View full profile