Depoimento de Flavio sobre Tantric massage

One of the best experiences I have had, not only in the here and now and also forever in my life.
What I found most amazing was that in only 2 times that she attended me she taught me to access this new world.
In addition to all this, he very kindly referred me to several books and videos. Which helped me a lot on this new journey.
In reality and words are missing to express my gratitude, because I learned to reach today, sensations, places, emotions that I never imagined exist.
Deva, I am very grateful for taking me on this new journey.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Deva Abigyt (Fabiana)

*Special service for couples *Private services and private workshops. Deva Abigyt is a vibrational, holistic, reichian tantric therapist and personal development coach. Also from the universe of the arts and Filmmaker influenced by David Lynch (book / Catching the Big Fish) she got to know Transcendental Meditation and then [...] View full profile