Statement by Flávio F. about Tantric massage

A Tantric Experience, especially Tantric Massage, is always transformative. The first times because it means a lot of things. It's surprising. I recognize love that is not romantic, a sexual energy that is not 'carnal', a dip in me that is not intellectual. It is different from an erotic massage 'w / happy ending' (with orgasm), which can be very good, but does not transcend. I know I can feel much more, and it is difficult to describe after so many sensations. It is as difficult as explaining the taste of a fruit to someone. It is a sensorial experience and, therefore, unique. And for me it is transcendental. As I allow myself and repeat the experience, the surprise gives way to the enchantment of diving into the deep waters of the unconscious. And the best of all is that the guiding thread of this journey is pleasure. The secret of this process is in the intention, which some like to call 'therapeutic', to distinguish it from the erotic intention. That is why it is so important to choose well the person who will lead this journey.
Thank you very much, Ananda, for the welcome, affection and delivery. Namaste.

Flavio F.

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TANTRA TREATS YOU! Tantra works our vital energy. This energy is the same through which we emanate from our hearts what we feel and vibrate. It is our own sexual energy through which we co-create with the universe and generate life. This energy is also the same with [...] View full profile