GR's statement about Tantric Massage Courses

Participating in the group was challenging for the beliefs and prejudices that we carry with us. The Lukas' guide and Ratna's lovingness were fundamental so that, little by little, activity after activity, the barriers are dismantled. The experience left me with the certainty that there is a new universe to explore, with respect, affection and consideration for the other. A different way of establishing connections with our bodies and our desire, that allow a greater connection with everything.


Meet the instructors of this activity:

Ratna Bali

Graduated in: Tantric Therapeutics, Rebirthing with Specialization in Integrated Breathing Therapies; Pompoarismo Instructor, Relationship and Sexuality Coaching. Integral development facilitator formed by Centro Metamorfose, Curandeira de Si uses [...] View full profile

Lukas Sato

Tantric Educator, creator of the Training for Tantric Educators and creator of the School Aos Caminhos. Since 2015, he has been conducting Personal Development courses and workshops. With more than 2.000 students and interactors throughout Brazil, it trained Tantric Educators who are present in more than seven countries. Promotes [...] View full profile

Discover the space:

Communion Metamorphosis

South of Minas / Itapeva MG