Yolanda's Testimony

My experience with tantric massage was surreal, moments I've never lived with so much pleasure, very strong that impacted my life, in my way of thinking and feeling pleasure, I'll explain a little bit what I lived and felt, the massage starts with a hug of hands together, then they over both hearts, then we can already feel a wonderful energy, unique sensations never felt before. I had such intense moments that I started to moan, twist myself all over, tremble without control, I started having orgasms one after the other, out of the ordinary, uncontrollable. Today the next day I feel very powerful owner of my desires, I am very grateful for this opportunity to live this experience at this moment I feel ready to live and discover more and more about female power. Today I'm sure all women need to know each other. I highly recommend this professional therapist Sabá Nelson Rabelo, congratulations on your professionalism I'm very happy I'll be back soon!! A big hug Yolanda


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Sadyk Sabbat (Nelson)

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