Ivan Papparotte's statement about Tantric massage

This whole process for me was meditative, pleasurable and also provided me with a physiological improvement in the relationship with my wife, that is, better quality of erection and greater control of ejaculation, which was great for both of us. Furthermore, in the mental aspect, it brought me very beneficial moments of inner silence.
I held three sessions with Ashna at Espaço Lakshimi, in São Bernardo do Campo-SP. The therapist was very professional and committed to the progress of the sessions, where she performed anamnesis, meditative practices, the application of the massages, which were great, as well as seeking feedback (feed back) from me.

Ivan Papparotte

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Ashna (Simone Carneiro)

Body Therapist, she works as an instructor of Training Courses in Tantra, facilitator of the Tantra workshop for women specialized in the treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions and certified in all modalities of the Deva Nishok Method of Tantric Therapeutics. She uses active meditations and breathing techniques and practices [...] View full profile