JCS statement about Tantric massage

Today I would like to share with you the incredible journey I experienced when treating myself with the wonderful professional Ellen Faria. Since starting treatment with her, my life has changed in ways I never imagined possible.
Ellen is much more than a tantric therapist, she is a true warrior of love and healing. Her dedication, knowledge and passion for what she does are evident in each session. With her gentle and compassionate approach, she helped me overcome emotional obstacles and rediscover the power of my own body.
The journey with Ellen is not just limited to tantric massage, but also includes a deep exploration of the inner self and a reconnection with my life energy. I feel more alive, more centered and more confident since I started treatment with her.
If you are looking for a true and lasting transformation in your life, I highly recommend treatment with Ellen. She is a shining light in this world and I am deeply grateful to have her as my guide on this journey.
Thank you, Ellen, for everything you do. Your presence in my life is a blessing beyond words.
With gratitude,.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Ellen Faria

Ellen Faria, Holistic Psychotherapist and founder of Centro Terapêutico FarGuim, began her journey in the area of ​​mental health and well-being with training in Neuropsychopedagogy. Over the years, she dedicated herself to the constant search for knowledge, obtaining specializations in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Clinical Hypnosis, Reiki and [...] View full profile