Jorge Lima's statement about Tantric massage

I was impressed with the young therapist's technique and professional demeanor.

As well as your education and sensitivity to me. It was an incredibly pleasurable, unusual and surprising experience. During the session I could feel the energy (Kundalini) being activated and disseminated throughout my body, and that was exactly what I was looking for.

The best change is the one that comes from within and that's what the therapist Laisa Lima provided me in this Tantric session: Self-knowledge.


Jorge Lima

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Deva Eve

Tantric Therapist Trained in the Deva Nishok and Comunna Metamorphosis method, working in all tantric massage modalities. Uses the following massage techniques: Sensitive, Total Ecstasy, Yoni and Lingam, G-Spot (for women) and P-Spot in Men who have Radical Prostectonia (removal of the prostate for cancer). Urologists [...] View full profile