LB's statement

My last session had totally different characteristics from the others and it started even before the session started. As soon as the session began, I entered a deeply welcoming, peaceful hypnotic trance, in which I connected deeply with my body and sensations, something that does not usually happen due to my agitated mind. My whole body reacted differently, my mind became silent, body sensations became more evident, and I could realize the immensity of consciousness and how the thoughts and ideas that arise are insignificant compared to this greater consciousness. In this session I realized the importance of turning off the mind and observing the sensations, letting the body and breathing flow and for the first time I reached orgasm in the session without doing absolutely anything. I just let it happen and it was a physical, orgasmic explosion. My whole body was involved, it was an orgasm that came from deep inside. My breathing was completely involved, I don't know how to explain it, but I felt something different, as if a new door had been opened and new perceptions had been created. I think that maybe surrendering and learning to surrender is a process, a construction. This may take some time, but it's worth it. The post-orgasm was something inexplicable, the feeling of pleasure and joy reverberated throughout my body and my conscience. I felt a sense of connection with myself and with the universe, a well-being, a feeling at ease as if I were at home and this reverberated both in the post session and the other day as well.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Gaya Alessandra

What is the purpose of the work I propose? • Work with all the techniques that were part of the CO-CREATION of my story, using the concept of the ancient Hindu MATRIARCAL civilizations, adapted to the contemporary world and the current stage of the human soul. • Seek the "Spirit [...] View full profile