LP statement about Tantric massage

Tantric Massage is for me a process of physical discovery and it automatically affects our emotions. A different, awakening experience.

In my process I know that I have a long way to go, but I am willing to go on to get the pleasure that I am entitled to and that is yet to be discovered or awakened.

In my first session my body did not respond very much to the therapist's stimuli, I confess that I was about to give up, I thought it was not what I was looking for, but I persisted, and in the course of each session a new sensation arises, a new discovery of things good things that I never thought to feel, it's something incredible and that makes you look forward to the next session.

Gajanam is an excellent professional, very polite, attentive, always available for any clarification, and very patient with my evolution in self-knowledge. A professional who cares about our well-being before, during and after the massage.

I highly recommend it.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Gajanam Gambheera (Cleber)

Please read carefully until the end. The links highlighted in blue contain the information you need to know before scheduling your appointment. I'm sure that at this moment, you must be full of doubts about how the Tantric therapy service works, no. and truth? ( location [...] View full profile