Leandro's statement about Tantric massage

My Experience with Abigyt (Fabiana), was like opening doors, for me to see and perceive things that were hidden.

The massage is done with a lot of dedication and respect, you feel embraced all the time, from the time you arrive until the time you leave.

After the massage I feel at peace, ready as I had not felt for a while, I found myself serene again.

I recommend that everyone have this experience at least once in their life.

But it is a process, which I understand must be continuous.

With massage, we discover that we know so little about ourselves.

I feel a lot of gratitude for gradually discovering it.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Deva Abigyt (Fabiana)

*Special service for couples *Private services and private workshops. Deva Abigyt is a vibrational, holistic, reichian tantric therapist and personal development coach. Also from the universe of the arts and Filmmaker influenced by David Lynch (book / Catching the Big Fish) she got to know Transcendental Meditation and then [...] View full profile