Depoimento de Leide Laje sobre Tantric massage

Living this experience that I did not know and that I was initially afraid of was an amazing transformation.
Therapy is an incredible time of discovery but the best of tantra comes afterwards, experiencing and connecting with the energy we are and understanding our potency is something revolutionary. And the transformation that this process makes inside is immediately felt in the outside world, the awakening of love, self-care, lightness, and the security of knowing each other better is something that everyone deserves to live.
It feels so great and so transformative that it's hard to describe! It is something to live for.
Thank you Nishanto for all the care, professionalism and welcome. It took me a long time to take this initiative and today I feel that I was very happy and assertive in my choice.
The way the professional has simplified walking to the moment of therapy and all care during and after the process makes the experience much better.
I'm just gratitude.

Leide Slab

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Deepak Nishanto

Baiano de Salvador, father of three boys and the light that drives away the darkness. Nice to meet you, I'm Deepak Nishanto. I was born Marcel Suzart, but I was reborn in Tantra with that name and a certainty: love CHANGES everything. Gathering people, collecting experiences and information, exchanging experiences. Tantra changed my [...] View full profile