Lena's statement about Tantric massage

The encounter with tantra aroused in me a whirlwind of sensations and reflections ... in my opinion, every human being should go through this inexplicable experience.
And about Deva karan this enlightened, gentle and loving being, was at all times professional and dedicated and it is noted that he does this incredible job with great affection. Gratitude and see you next time.

Super recommend !!


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Deva karam

Physiotherapist, Acupuncturist, Reikian and LIBRAS Interpreter. Trained in tantric therapy Deva Nishok method. Uses tantric therapy to provide the expansion of sexual energy throughout the body through Sensitive Massage, Lingam / Yoni Massage and G-spot / P-spot and thus provide a new perception of the senses and [ ...] View full profile