Lígia Purana's statement about Tantric massage

My first experience and approach with this tool of self knowledge. Its potency translated into increasing my self-esteem and knowledge of the potency of my sexuality in being and walking life. In 5 sessions I was able to experience sensations never before experienced and appropriate my body as my center and private temple, with its singularities, weaknesses and potentialities. I got in touch with my bonds and blocks and became aware of myself without the intellectualization that other techniques imposed on me. Allowing to feel was the great guide. Jarbas, welcoming, patient and competent, helped me to get in touch with deep and painful experiences with my body and to lovingly overcome my blockages. Just gratitude !!!

Ligia Purana

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Shiva Sabraj Tantra (Jarbas Son)

Tantric Therapist and Instructor of Individual and Couples Tantric Massage Courses. Uses massage techniques: Sensitive, Total Ecstasy, Yoni and G-Spot (for women) and Lingam and P-Spot (for men), promoting the development of body perception and the dissolution of blocks, locks, prejudices [... ] View full profile