Luciana's statement about Tantric massage

It was the most surreal experience I had, a moment of surrender, of encounter, of liberation. Every process done in a super respectful way, brought me more confidence and security to be able to let go and let the energy take care of every space in my body. Today I believe more than ever, that everyone should do this massage, they should at least once allow themselves and understand that within us there are forces that go beyond what we imagine. I will definitely do it again. It was wonderful!


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Deepak Nishanto

Baiano de Salvador, father of three boys and the light that drives away the darkness. Nice to meet you, I'm Deepak Nishanto. I was born Marcel Suzart, but I was reborn in Tantra with that name and a certainty: love CHANGES everything. Gathering people, collecting experiences and information, exchanging experiences. Tantra changed my [...] View full profile