Luigi Cristiano's statement about Tantric massage

It was one of the most intense and rewarding experiences. In addition to the unspeakable pleasure, I had the opportunity to change some sexual patterns that hitherto blocked me and combined with all that, a lot of discretion, respect and affection on the part of Jessica. Not only do I recommend it, but I will do it again in order to improve both my sexual performance and give a partner extra pleasure when she appears kkkk ..

Luigi Cristiano

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Deva Harischandra Jessica

I'm a tantric therapist, I work touching people's bodies and souls. I believe in the work of developing the human being in its entirety with the Deva Nishok method. It is a work that transforms lives. I work with tantric massage, in the following modalities: * Sensitive Massage* Ecstasy [...] View full profile