Luis's statement about Tantric massage

Devi (Manoela) has the gift of surprising us and allowing us to achieve the celebration of our body, the perception and expansion of our limits and senses. The drive is unique, intense, "reconnecting" with something deeper; fullness and celebration with our own body. At the same time an experience that multiplies and diversifies with each new massage, opening up new sensations and revealing new sensory and realization "fields". An intense and light movement, to rescue our unity and harmony.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Devi (Manoela Freitas)

Integrative Therapist, accredited by the University of New Sexuality, Comunna Metamorfose. It has been operating since 2011 with the Deva Nishok Method of development. Body Analysis Student by O Corpo Explains Courses and Training LTDA. Training in NLP at INAp-Institute of Applied Neurolinguistics in 2015 and Course of [...] View full profile