M.'s statement about Tantric massage

One of the most difficult tasks will be this, as much as I have a facility with words, I cannot find one or a set of them to describe the emotions I had during the tantric massage.
At that moment, I was playing a short film of my life with the sound of my laughter and my screams of pleasure as the soundtrack. Not that pleasure we have during sexual intercourse, but the pleasure of the certainty of the faith that inhabited me, the gratitude for my choices, the joy of knowing my body and the love for me. Let's say that yesterday I had an appointment with me and it was the best of my life. I leave even more in love and with the desire to distribute the “great” energy that is inside me.
Thank you, Marcel, for arranging the most beautiful meeting I had and for the next ones to come, because we should repeat this good thing.
I conclude with the following tip: Do not go through this life without living this experience !!!


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Deepak Nishanto

Baiano de Salvador, father of three boys and the light that drives away the darkness. Nice to meet you, I'm Deepak Nishanto. I was born Marcel Suzart, but I was reborn in Tantra with that name and a certainty: love CHANGES everything. Gathering people, collecting experiences and information, exchanging experiences. Tantra changed my [...] View full profile