Testimony of Marcelo Ramos

The immersion in Tantra for men far exceeded my expectations. The dynamics developed and the welcoming environment created promoted trust, listening, dialogue and cooperation between the participants, which was fundamental for the development of the group and each one. The acquisition or strengthening of the awareness that we are not alone in our experiences, pains and emotions related to the body and sexuality, added to the movements of self-knowledge and liberation that the work done seeks to generate were fundamental for success. Congratulations to all of you!

Marcelo Ramos

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Lukas Sato

Tantric Educator, creator of the Training for Tantric Educators and creator of the School Aos Caminhos. Since 2015, he has been conducting Personal Development courses and workshops. With more than 2.000 students and interactors throughout Brazil, it trained Tantric Educators who are present in more than seven countries. Promotes [...] View full profile

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Metamorphosis / Itapeva MG