Márcio's statement about Tantric massage

Hi Ellen,

I would like to express my immense satisfaction with your service as a tantric psychoanalyst. Ellen Faria is an exceptional professional, who provides humanized care, leaving the patient extremely calm and at ease. Her ability to conduct the entire massage in a pleasurable and indescribable way is remarkable.

I suffered from erectile dysfunction and with your wisdom and respect, you managed to change my condition. Today, I am a more confident and self-assured man, and I owe this in large part to his work. You brought light to my life.

The world desperately needs more qualified and committed professionals like you. I am immensely grateful to have found you and for all the support you have provided me.

Big hug,


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Ellen Faria

Ellen Faria, Holistic Psychotherapist and founder of Centro Terapêutico FarGuim, began her journey in the area of ​​mental health and well-being with training in Neuropsychopedagogy. Over the years, she dedicated herself to the constant search for knowledge, obtaining specializations in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Clinical Hypnosis, Reiki and [...] View full profile