NA statement about Tantric massage

I want to thank this professional for being very diplomatic, very accommodating and very respectful of my process. He explained the process, asked all the right questions to maximize the benefits of the session, and was willing to take any questions I had. Since tantra is an act of active meditation, it is very important that the practitioner is not overly dominant and allows you to develop your process yourself. Prem Mansukh is great in that sense, he does not suppress his process, but at the same time guides him firmly. An excellent experience. I recommend this professional without a doubt!


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Prem Mansukh (Franklin)

Passionate about self-knowledge, author of the book: “A brief overview of stand up comedy in Brazilian advertising”. Actor, TV Producer, Bachelor in Social Communication and Psychology. Tantric Therapist trained and accredited by Comunna Metamorfose, he works in all tantric massage modalities of the Deva Nishok method [...] View full profile