NC's statement about Tantric Massage Courses

It was the most wonderful experience I have ever had. The best and biggest orgasm of my life.
There were 40 minutes of incessant orgasms, they didn't stop, they were one after the other. A light hovered, I was vibrating an energy that didn't fit me.
The way Prem Sarasi guided, every sentence, every word still vibrates inside me. Its energy is immense and comforting.
I thank Sarasi for having provided my best moment in life !!

Thank you !


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Deva Sarasi

✨Hello transformation seeker,✨ My name is Deva Sarasi and I am passionately dedicated to guiding individuals on a transcendental journey of self-discovery and sensory expansion. As a tantric therapist, rebirther and sexuality and relationship coach, facilitator of Training in NeoTantric Therapy in addition to the Free Course [...] View full profile

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Metamorphosis / Itapeva MG