NP's statement about Tantric massage

A professional is a person who manages to do his best, often at a time when he does not feel that way. When I looked for Manisha, I wasn't feeling very well and I thought a massage would make me feel better. I was surprised by the affection, attention, care and a great love for the profession. My experience cannot be described in words, such was the surprise I received when receiving this massage that in my conception it would bring me only the feeling of relaxation. It went far beyond that. I never thought that one day I could have such strong feelings in my body that they left me in total ecstasy. It was a great discovery for me. Anyway, I can say that I was looking for a flower and ended up finding a garden.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Prem Manisha (Katiuscia Leão)

Hola, soy Katiuscia Leão, Brazilian, Sexologist and Therapist Tántrica. I'm in Madrid to do my Master in Sexology Clinic. Es con mucho gusto that I sell through this page to promote mi trabajo. In the Tántrico Massage you learn to expand your VITAL ENERGY that you [...] View full profile