Nando's statement about Tantric massage

After reading several reports about the benefits of tantric massage I decided to give myself the opportunity with Neera. And the experience was incredible!
And unlike other types of massage where you leave there just relaxed, I was able to experience a feeling of calm and renewal, with the energy up there.

Neera is very professional from start to finish, seeking to better understand your profile and explaining in detail everything that will happen in the session.
I recommend this experience to everyone who seeks self-knowledge and self-love.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Neera Prem

"When you touch someone, never touch just one body. Don't forget that you touch a person, that in this body is all the memory of their existence. So, when you touch a body, remember that you touch a temple." Jean Yves Leloup Tantric and Vibrational Therapist, Educator [...] View full profile