Testimony from Nei Xavier Guatimosim about Tantric massage

My first contact with tantric massage was with Gaya. I was in my worst moment, I had ended a 3-year relationship against my will, extremely attached to that person. I suffered from insecurity and low self-esteem, I didn't believe in my potential. She was very careful to know my history and apply the techniques to make me feel like a new man. I felt cared for, protected, supported and stimulated, encouraged to follow my path, a new path, with less attachment and less jealousy and much more confidence. This service completely changed my sensations, I discovered a power beyond, I didn't know how much I was capable !!! Gratitude for having met this wonderful person !!!!

Nei Xavier Guatimosim

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Prem Gaya (Melissa Bittencourt)

Coordinator of RS Units, Tantric Therapist and Reincarnationist Psychotherapist from the Brazilian Association of Reincarnationist Psychotherapy, Holistic Therapist from the Brazilian Association of Sentimental Studies, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Reiki, Access Bars, Bioenergetics, Apometry and Quantum Etheriatrics (Study and Development of Technology Spiritual), Family Constellation [...] View full profile