PP's statement about Tantric massage

I will start by stating that a woman cannot go through this world without having this experience. In the first session I arrived with a lot of shame and fear because it was a totally unknown universe, my biggest fear was that of judgment. In fact, Cervinka welcomed me, welcomed me as a friend, not just any friend but those who bring us confidence and security. When it was time for the massage, the shame was gone, but it returned as soon as the session was over. Cervinka is so sensitive and intelligent that it made this feeling go away, it made me a much happier person! The second session was even better than the first (which I thought was impossible to overcome), shame was no longer my companion but a liberating empowerment. I am looking forward to the third session.

Gratitude for your welcome, affection and professionalism! ❤️🙏


Meet the instructor for this activity:


I work for well-being, relaxation and self-knowledge, through various techniques and manual therapies and meditations. Over more than 20 years of experience, I seek excellence in service. In my therapeutic approach, I seek to offer more than just massage in [...] View full profile