PM Souza's statement about Tantric massage

The massage with the therapist Agni Prandhara was an incredible experience of new sensory perceptions, led me to a process of deep self-knowledge and the search for healing emotional issues. Prandhara passes on a confidence that allowed me to give myself completely to the process, without fear or fear.
Serious, dedicated and attentive professional. It is being very welcoming and present in my process.
I am grateful to the Divine for putting this healing channel in my path and the therapist for being such a wonderful and light-filled professional.

PM Souza

Meet the instructor for this activity:

Agni Prandhara

Tantric therapist. Sexual Orientation (individual and couple). Tantric psychotherapist. NutritionistIndividual session (men and women), couples, sex education workshops, massage courses, conducting meditations, rebirthing (circular breathing). I use tantric knowledge to work on expanding sensory and energetic perceptions linked to pleasure. I help [...] View full profile