RA's statement about Tantric massage

For a long time we have been conditioned to repress sexuality, treating it with taboo and prejudice.
Realizing the true meaning of expanding my body awareness, through tantric massage, allowed me to release important emotional blocks.
This included increasing confidence in my intimate relationship with my husband and releasing my body to the benefits of dancing.
The walk with this therapy has aroused seriousness and respect with myself and, above all, has revealed an incredible experience, rich in physical and energetic sensations. I highly recommend it.


Meet the instructor for this activity:

Gajanam Gambheera (Cleber)

Please read carefully until the end. The links highlighted in blue contain the information you need to know before scheduling your appointment. I'm sure that at this moment, you must be full of doubts about how the Tantric therapy service works, no. and truth? ( location [...] View full profile